The Trait et Âne de Normandie association

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What is the Trait et âne de Normandie association?

Formerly known as Trait Normand, the Trait et Âne de Normandie association, a non-profit organization under the French Law of 1901, represents the 4 heritage breeds of Normandy. Breed associations and unions representing Percheron and Cob Normand horses, as well as Normandy and Cotentin donkeys, are represented.

The association’s aim is to promote these breeds by all effective means, and in particular to set up promotional, training, communication and research initiatives, as well as marketing initiatives via the Centre de Valorisation.

What are the association’s objectives?

The main objectives are as follows:

  • Development of the breeding and use of Norman heritage draught horses and donkeys : Norman Cob, Percheron, Norman Donkey et Cotentin Donkey
  • Improving the quality and typicality of the 4 breeds, as well as the income of breeders and owners. Professionalizing the industry is also an intrinsic objective of the association, as this is the only way to ensure the long-term survival of the breeds.
  • Promoting quality breeding in line with Normandy’s reputation.

In collaboration with the Syndicat Mixte du Haras du Pin, the Normandy Region and the Conseil des Chevaux de Normandie, the association runs the Centre de Valorisation, an incomparable tool for promoting Normandy breeds. Its mission is to select, train and promote Normandy draught horses and donkeys for sale in France and abroad. In doing so, it acts as an essential link between breeders and end-users.

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