Animal power, the solution of the future

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At the dawn of major changes, horsepower is part of the low-tech movement, and despite its ancient history, it’s still terribly relevant today. What other energy source can be so renewable and require so few material and fossil resources? What other method is so effective at creating social links – an overused word if ever there was one, but one that takes on its full meaning when an animal takes its place in the heart of a town or city?

These arguments are backed up by objective evidence.

The territorial horse: a tool for regional development

In economic terms, there are several advantages

  • Efficiency over short distances (relay car park/market, tourist shuttle, etc.)
  • Advantageous investment cost compared with a motorized vehicle (subsidies possible, depending on the project)
  • Creation, stabilization or upgrading of certain jobs

A commitment to ecology

  • Reduced pollution (greenhouse gases, fine particles, etc.)
  • A horse-drawn vehicle is quiet: reduced noise pollution
  • Respect for resources and biodiversity (soil, sensitive areas, wildlife, etc.)
  • Transmission of a strong ecological message

A social role not to be neglected

  • The horse’s role as mediator
  • Strengthening social ties (residents, employees, visitors, etc.) via the horse
  • Enhancing the image of the region through the use of horse-drawn transport as part of the service offer
  • Positive image with residents, users and tourists
  • User-friendly nature of transport
  • Visible improvement in waste sorting by communities using the horse
  • Media coverage

Using the territorial horse: Why? Why?

More and more local authorities are using horsepower in their services. It’s a justified asset in economic, social and environmental terms. Draught horses can be used for a wide range of tasks, associated with green spaces (mowing, watering…), roads (sweeping, maintenance…), passenger transport (hippo-bus for schools, tourists…), or waste collection.

The draught horse can also prove an invaluable ally in the management of forested and sensitive areas. Compared with heavy motorized equipment, the use of horses helps to limit soil compaction, which is highly detrimental to underground life.

What’s more, a 35% carbon saving is achieved compared with a motorized waste collection system.

In agriculture and forestry, if we wanted to reduce CO2 emissions, the horse would be the logical choice, since for every tonne of CO2 emitted, the horse will be able to work 331 m2 of land, compared with 19 m2 for a tractor. (source OESC – Les atouts verts des équidés- 2020), or extract 311kg of wood, compared with 80kg for a motorized machine (Source IFCE – 2024).

Percheron horse weeding a gravel driveway

The Haras national du Pin is committed to promoting this solution. A “Cheval des villes, cheval des champs” day was organized in June 2024, to give a voice to local authorities already involved in the process, and to show in concrete terms how activities were taking shape.

Read their full testimonials on our channel.

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